Burdock Root Salad

A simple, healthy salad with just burdock root and carrot.
Ingredients (serves 4)
1 to 1.5 burdock roots
1/2 carrot
1 tbsp sake (or white wine)
3 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp miso
2 tbsp ground sesame
1. Slice the burdock root into quarters vertically, cut into 5 cm lengths, then shred finely. Soak in water to remove excess bitterness.
2. Bring plenty of water to the boil in a pot. Add the shredded burdock root and boil for one minute before adding the carrot and boiling for another minute. Drain through a colander.
3. Mix the seasonings, wait for the cooked ingredients to cool, then combine.
Nutritional value
(Per serving)
• 152 kcal
• 2.5g protein
• 10.4g fat
• 92mg calcium
• 4.1g dietary fiber
• 0.4g salt
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